Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rolling Christmas Tree Storage Containers

It's always great to have a new approach to storing your Christmas Tree. One creative ideas for this holiday season is the Rolling Christmas Tree Storage Containers.

Check out the pictures of the various options for rolling Christmas tree storage containers. This first option is a basic rectangular plastic container that use a zipper closure system to keep your Christmas tree safe and protected. Because the side walls are plastic, it is both foldable and keeps your Christmas tree safe if there is some moisture in the air, or on the floor where you store it.

Options for Rolling Christmas Tree Storage Containers:

Rolling Christmas Tree Storage Containers

The next option for Rolling Christmas Tree Storage Containers is another one that looks like a duffle bag and goes by that exact name - the TreeKeeper Storage Duffel Bag with Metal Supports. The metal supports in this duffle style Rolling Christmas Tree Storage Containers are rigid enough to keep the stree protected and still fold into a compact easy to store bag when it's not and use and when your tree is!

If you have a bigger tree that does not fold up as easily, then you may want to look at the stand up rolling storage process for 6 foot - 9 foot Christmas trees. It has all the room you need, plus it's designed to take up far less floor space since it stands up.

When you are buying a Rolling Christmas Tree Storage Container, make sure that you consider the following:

  • Will it fit my entire Christmas tree?
  • Will the packaged Christmas tree fit in my storage area properly so that it won't be squished?
  • How easy will it be to unpack next year?
  • Where will I be storing the ornaments and lights?
  • Will it protect my Christmas tree from the environment - like dust, mildew and insects?
  • Is it cost effective? If you have a $30 Christmas tree and are about to spend $80 on a Christmas tree storage solution, please don't. Have a balanced approach. Spend more on your Christmas tree than on your storage options.

I love have Rolling Christmas Tree Storage Containers because they are easier to move around both before Christmas and after Christmas when you are putting your tree away.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Christmas Tree Storage Containers

We've looked at the benefits of using a Christmas Tree Storage containers and why it is a good investment to safeguard your Christmas Tree. Naturally we are working with artificial tree.

Storing Real Christmas Trees Before Christmas
There are also some options of storing your real tree right before the holiday season. If you have purchased a live tree a couple weeks before Christmas, it is important that you find a great way to keep it looking fresh and vibrant until a few days past Christmas, at least. Many people have the tradition of taking down their Christmas trees around New Years Eve, so you want to keep them look good for several weeks.

One of the best ways of preserving a real tree is simple, but it will require some effort. By taking your real, live Christmas tree down, and sawing off a 1/2 of the trunk, you will enable water to penetrate better into the rest of the tree. Naturally this involves taking it out of the stand, tipping it onto it's side and the manual labor of making the cut. If you get a sharp handsaw, the process will go the quickest, but you will want to think ahead of several issues. The needles that will fall off can make a mess. You will need to have a plan for the saw dust and naturally the disposal of the piece you have cut off of the Christmas Tree.

Thinking ahead on purchasing the Christmas tree can save you a ton of hassle. The earlier you buy a Christmas tree in the season, normally mean that you get a better choice as you will beat other people to the punch. Waiting until a few days before Christmas may mean that your tree looks more like the tree on Charlie Brown's Christmas show. Making an arrangement with the Christmas tree supplier would be a simple solution.  Pre-paying for your tree and making a selection before hand, while making specific arrangements of when you will pick up your tree will keep everyone happy and keep your Christmas Tree looking great.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Christmas Tree Storage Bags for Artificial Christmas Trees

Another alternative to a traditional Christmas tree storage container is a Christmas Tree Storage Bag for Artificial Christmas Trees. This will require more total space when storing your Christmas Tree, however it will allow you to secure your tree against most damage and dust etc.

Benefits of bags
During use of the Christmas Tree, the bag is easy to store and conceal. Some bags can act as the tree skirt and therefore be useful all the time. Even if it can not be used as a Christmas tree skirt, it still is simple to put away and out of sight until you need it again after the Christmas season celebration is over.

The cost of the Christmas tree storage bags is relatively low and therefore can be an economical direction to go. Weigh out the pros and cons before deciding on a flexible container or a more rigid permanent option.

Disadvantages of Using Christmas Tree Storage Bags
Using any kind of storage container that is flexible and not rigid has its' unique set of disadvantage. Obviously it your tree is not sheltered from impact of being bumped into. It also will not be protected when other things are stacked upon it, and could cause permanent damage to your artificial tree.

Whether or not you choose a Christmas Tree storage container that is a bag or a rigid plastic bin style, you're making a wise investment in caring for your Christmas tree that usually is the center of your holiday celebrations.  So do make a New Years resolution to take good care of your artificial tree and make a purchase of a storage container of some kind.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Coming to an end

As Christmas comes to an end and the new year has begun, we finally start putting away all of the Christmas decor. many people use this first week of the new year to end the Christmas season by putting away everything that has to do with Christmas. If you hadn't thought ahead to storing of your Christmas tree, this might be something that you're suddenly faced with. If you are among the many who bought a new artificial Christmas tree, and either threw away the box it came in without giving it a second thought or if the box was damaged during Christmas because the kids found it and turned it into a fort or maybe it got put out on the porch where it got wet, you are likely faced with the question - What do I do for my Christmas tree storage? Containers of that size are not something that most people have sitting around the house. It also not something that you just find anywhere. Many people reach for a trash bag that they try to wrap around the tree, but quickly realize that it may not have been the best choice as the tears down the side of the black garbage appear rapidly. Duct tape usually is a typical addition that can be kinda scary. Not only does it not really work, often it can actually stick to the artificial branches and cause damage that you'll regret next year when trying to remember how to set it up.

Use this year to think ahead about something that will bug you at the end of each and every Christmas for the next many years. Not only will you benefit during the end of the season when it's time to put it away, but you'll also benefit at the start of the season when you want to set it up quickly so you can get on with the many other decorating festivities. Have the proper Christmas tree storage container will preserve your Christmas tree, help set up to be more efficient and allow for much better tear down.

Take the time to measure the outside dimensions of your tree so you know how large of a container to invest in. Make sure to buy a slightly bigger container than the box that it originally came in. Artificial trees will naturally take up more room when taken down after the first and subsequent uses. Don't just take the original box dimensions and assume that will work for storage.

Once you have these dimensions in hand, start shopping online. We have a bunch of links here that will give you the best options possible. Read some of the articles that include evaluations of different types of containers that you can choose from.